How to Join and renew using the SLSA Member’s Portal

If you are a member without a Portal account, or are not yet a member: Apply for Portal or Membership.

If you already have an SLSA Members Portal account: Login to your Portal account.

Guidance is included on each of the pages above.


When in the Portal, follow steps 1-6 for a Family Group renewal.

To help renewing families, the SLSA Members Portal includes support for Family Groups. If an adult is recorded as the Primary Contact for their Family Group, they can renew membership for themselves, their spouse and/or their children, without needing a separate Portal account for each person. We have already created Family Groups for existing members who share a postal address.

1. Click the tab  Memberships

2. Click the sub-tab  My Family.

3. On your family's line, click Renew Memberships.

4. Select Season: 2018/2019 and then tick each member to be renewed.

5. To proceed you must tick agreement to the SLSA Membership Declaration for all selected.

6. Click the Submit button.


Or for an Individual renewal, follow steps 1A-4A for your renewal only.

1A. Click the tab Memberships.

2A. Click the button  Renew.

3A. To proceed you must tick agreement to conditions in the Confirmation section.

4A. Click the Submit button.