About Skills Maintenance


Each season, every patrolling lifesaver (including instructors and water safety) must complete skills maintenance to maintain currency in their lifesaving awards. This annual process ensures patrolling lifesavers remain proficient in their skills and knowledge.

Point Lonsdale will host skills maintenance sessions in December for those needing to requal their SRC, Bronze Medallion, IRB Crew and Driver, and ART.

If you have an ART or First Aid award from within the last three years, you must also complete a Resuscitation (CPR) course every year for those awards to remain current; as well as attending an ART skills maintenance session (there is no First Aid skills Maintenance).

Geelong Region Skills Maintenance (Requal) Dates

Sunday, November 19, 2023          Ocean Grove 11am - 1:45pm

Sunday, December 03, 2023        Pt Lonsdale   11am - 1:30pm (Resuscitation 9am - 11am)

Saturday, December 23, 2023      Ocean Grove 8am


To successfully requal your awards, please follow these steps:

1.     Complete the skills maintenance e-Learning for the awards you would like to requal on the the LSV Member Training from Anywhere Portal (https://mt.lsv.com.au/login/)

2.     Next, book into a practical session for those awards

3.     Attend and complete the practical session

(Note: You MUST enrol in the session you attend and complete the e-Learning for the award PRIOR to attending – if you do not, we will be unable to process your skills maintenance)

4.     Take a photo of your completed skills maintenance card

5.    Requalifying:

  • If requalifying at Point Lonsdale, submit your completed skills maintenance card to the trainer running your session.

  • If requalifying at another club, drop the physical card in at the PLSLSC office.

If you have any questions about the skills maintenance process, please read our Education FAQ on the PLSLSC Website (https://www.plslsc.com.au/faq) or email training@plslsc.com.au

Finally, we are closely monitoring the water quality at beaches in the Geelong area and will update you via email and social media if we need to alter Point Lonsdale’s skills maintenance dates and locations.