Stay COVID Safe



The PLSLSC is dedicated to providing the safest possible environment to our members and visitors in light of the current pandemic, and as such we have taken measures to reduce the risk of infection.

The most important thing you can do as a member is to get tested and stay home if you feel sick, or if you have been a close contact with someone who is COVID positive. See the COVIDSafe Personal Health Checklist to know whether you should be staying home or getting tested.

If you are attending any club facility or event, there will be a QR code for you to scan and record your attendance. This will help with contact tracing in the event that any positive cases are detected. As well as this, we encourage members to install the COVID Safe App on their mobile devices.

We also expect our members to socially distance when attending club facilities or events, and that they maintain good hygiene practices. Appropriate PPE and cleaning supplies will be available at all locations for our members and visitors to use.

Finally, we would like to invite our members to complete this survey to let us know how you feel about club involvement this coming season in light of the pandemic and the club’s response.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our COVID Officers via email at